Monday 7 May 2012

Hit by Penguin or Panda – How will I know?

Search Engine Optimization has always been a world where changes are a constant occurrence. This time – Penguin’ s here. On 24th April, Google rolled out a new algorithm named penguin to eradicate spam. Let me state more clearly – this is not a new feature – web spam feature was always a part of Google’s algorithm. This was officially named Penguin and was targeted to the black hatters. Panda Update on the other hand was meant to target low quality sites. Sites that are not exactly “spam” – but are of low value addition for a user. Well, providing highest quality results for a searcher has been Google’s motto, and the Panda update was rolled out in February 2011 for exactly this purpose. Targeting low quality content – low quality of anything on a website. Well, the Penguin targets paid links, excessive keyword use (stuffing) and such kind of spamming sites. This is exactly how you can detect what you were hit by! Whether it was the penguin or the panda. You do not get a special notification or anything. Make sure all your Search Engine Optimization efforts are the known “good” methods. Do not indulge in spam activities and you shall be fine!

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