Wednesday 16 May 2012

Have Content Techniques for SEO Changed?

Past few years have seen a lot of changes from Google. Lots of changes in terms of quality and lots of changes regarding scraping out the spam. Panda and Penguin updates were the major ones. Has content strategies for SEO changes too? Of course they have.

* Earlier keywords in content mattered more than anything. Today, it’s the user experience that matters the most with content. SEO content is written with readers in mind. Of course this does not mean that keywords have lost their importance – it only means that you must understand how to provide a better reading experience to users without violating any of the Search Engine Optimization best practices and by following all the guidelines provided.

* You should be able to create a perfect blend of number of words and design. Users are going to skim through the content. So don’t waste time writing long stories. Bullet points will definitely help.

* Getting the most important content on the top of the page has always been a good practice, which remains unchanged over the years.

* Eliminating unnatural anchor texts, and too much of it is now a good practice. Make sure that the text is not a keyword “slipped-in” a sentence to gain attention and link to another page.

Not only content, generally all Search Engine Optimization changes from time to time. Although a popular notion amongst all SEO experts is to get the web page to be the best user experience and yet make it readable to search engine bots. That would be a perfect implementation of any strategy.

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