Friday 13 July 2012

Web Design, SEO and Smartphone Optimized Websites

Web Design and SEO have interdependent responsibilities. With the smartphone market growing very rapidly, and web designers building more and more smartphone optimized websites, Google too launched a Googlebot mobile to be able to crawl, track and read this data. Well, looks like Web Design can make things easier for both SEO’s and Google. Here are a few ways to design your website so that you need not have two separate codes for mobile and desktop viewers.

* Responsive Web Design: In this method, a web designer can serve the users of any device with the same set of URLs and there is no need to create a separate one for mobile devices. This technique uses separate CSS to detect the device and the screen size and then adjust the web page to display on the screen. The method commonly used is a CSS3 media query. This has two specific advantages. Desktop and mobile content is the same, enabling easy user interaction, and Google would not have to use a separate Googlebot for mobile devices!

* Using different HTML code to serve different devices. This also means that there is a separate CSS too. The URL however remains the same. Google however recommends using the Vary HTML header, this helps caching servers and Googlebots to understand that content may change with the browsing device changes.

Web Design can definitely help to optimize a website for smartphones and desktops and your website has a greater chance at performing well with Google!

Thursday 12 July 2012

Facebook – Social Media Marketing Tips

Facebook is probably the most popular social network today. If you aren’t on Facebook, you are missing out on a lot of potential customer base. Well, that said, it is very important for any business to create a strong presence on Facebook.

Frequency: Frequency of posts should be optimum. A few posts a day should be enough. No one likes to be spammed! One or two compelling posts in a day would do far more good than many uninteresting ones a day. Make the posts simple and short. Very long stories are generally ignored by readers.  Your most important message must be in the first 90 characters of the post.

Variety: Maintain variety in your posts. Existing fans for your page will stay on, only if you add something new about your brand, product or service that they don’t already know about. If they see the same information time and again, they will go away! Well, as important as it is to maintain the existing customers / fans, it is also important to showcase to your new potential customers a variety of new things about your business on Facebook. Give them a reason to come and stay! In Social Media Marketing , – the organic way, this is what will get you ahead.

Photography: Well, even with personal accounts and with business pages, it is a well known fact by now that posts with pictures work better than any other. So, put your best foot forward and display the best photographs – ofcourse relevant to your business.

These are some points to take into consideration while you build a Facebook fan page. The key to Social Media Marketing via Facebook is to keep the customers interested and engaged!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Google Places And Local Search Engine Optimization

Listing your business on Google Places is probably the best Local Search Engine Optimization factor you implemented. It is a place where you can enlist your business name, address and Google shall display your business for particular keywords. With Google Places, users are permitted to place a review for your business too! It’s a great way to get popular on local searches and if your actual target for marketing is local.

Well, sometimes, there are businesses that move locations. In such cases, what are business owners to do? Well, Google suggests that you mark your business as closed and open a new one on Google places! This created a lot of debates in the world of Search Engine Optimization. The very first concern was about local places reviews. If a Google Place is marked as closed, all the reviews are lost. With Google places, creating a new business listing means loss of old data. There have been talks about the tag “We’ve Moved” and then changing the address. But no definite news yet – so, let’s wait for further news. Until then this is what we have.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Have Content Techniques for SEO Changed?

Past few years have seen a lot of changes from Google. Lots of changes in terms of quality and lots of changes regarding scraping out the spam. Panda and Penguin updates were the major ones. Has content strategies for SEO changes too? Of course they have.

* Earlier keywords in content mattered more than anything. Today, it’s the user experience that matters the most with content. SEO content is written with readers in mind. Of course this does not mean that keywords have lost their importance – it only means that you must understand how to provide a better reading experience to users without violating any of the Search Engine Optimization best practices and by following all the guidelines provided.

* You should be able to create a perfect blend of number of words and design. Users are going to skim through the content. So don’t waste time writing long stories. Bullet points will definitely help.

* Getting the most important content on the top of the page has always been a good practice, which remains unchanged over the years.

* Eliminating unnatural anchor texts, and too much of it is now a good practice. Make sure that the text is not a keyword “slipped-in” a sentence to gain attention and link to another page.

Not only content, generally all Search Engine Optimization changes from time to time. Although a popular notion amongst all SEO experts is to get the web page to be the best user experience and yet make it readable to search engine bots. That would be a perfect implementation of any strategy.

Findability, Search Behavior and SEO

When you work on a web design, web development or any aspect of a website, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) just cannot be ignored. You must keep in mind the various factors of SEO while building a website. We all know that user experience is by far the most important part of a web design. Findability is one important aspect that leads to a great user experience. While you design, hence, make sure that you make the navigation so easy that users can “find” what they are looking for with ease on your website.

Secondly, it is important for every Search Engine Optimization (SEO) professional to study search behaviour before strategizing. It is noted that some searchers search exact keywords and find an exact website, locate the exact service/product that they were looking for and then make a purchase and leave. That is a perfect scenario. But searcher behaviour is more complex than that. Evaluating how users search and why is an important part of SEO. Well, it is not about just ranking well, it is getting the right pages from your website to show up in the search results for the right search terms. Well, that topic can continue to be a very long discussion.

For now, let us all remember that user experience in terms of findability, in terms of searching and getting to the right pages and right results can be achieved by combined efforts of web design, Development and Search Engine Optimization professionals.

Friday 11 May 2012

There’s More To The Penguin Update

The penguin update – the latest most talked about update in Google’s algorithm has again shook the search engine optimization world. As mentioned previously, this is meant to scrape out web spamming specially things like excessive spammy links, too much of keyword stuffing – that sort of bad SEO practices. Well, there have been a lot of talk about what this update is and how to recover and what if you were falsely hit? Well, the Panda update gets refreshed from time to time, Penguin however does not run continuously. It tags everything that is overly spammy even after the regular spam filter set by Google. Well, with Penguin, your entire site will be affected if anything is found violating norms. About recovering from Penguin, you would know better – did you fall for any link buying scheme? Did you recently check your incoming links? Did you check your webmaster account for any notifications from Google? Even if you have done all the above, recheck your entire site for any bad SEO practices and links and cleanup as much as possible. After a thorough clean up, you shall regain rank automatically. Well, if you still do not see any results, looks like you need to start a new website altogether.

There Is Life Beyond Google!

Well, the term SEO has the name “search engine” in it. And Google is the most popular, most widely used and the most talked about search engine in the world. So much so that when people talk SEO they automatically talk Google. Well, do not depend solely on Google to get your online business some profit! Google does not promise anyone bread and butter. Getting ranked in Google only increases the probability of a higher traffic than the ones that rank lower. Well, after achieving a good rank in Google, you need to ensure that your products and services are comparable too! What a disappointment will it be if you achieve all that traffic and very low – or absolutely no conversions? Of course leading to a non profitable business. This is not directed to scare away all your Search Engine Optimization efforts, but to encourage all online business owners to profit from an excellent ranking and excellent services to result in greater returns on investments. Well, another important factor to be considered here is, your online marketing strategies need to be diversified. You cannot just depend on a ranking to bring you all the success. Increase visibility – with the social media emerging as the largest platform for getting popular, gaining visibility and adding to the credibility that your business holds. Think beyond Google, spread the world about your business, apply legacy marketing techniques, and establish for yourself a “brand”, a name that people trust! That’s what will get you fruitful results.

Link Building –Organic is Good!

Like any one of us, Google does not like to be cheated too! Google does appreciate honest links and quality content. With the recent changes in the algorithms, you can be sure that any kind of dishonesty can be detected and scraped by Google. Search Engine Optimization is getting tough. So as SEO experts and SEO Service India providers, we need to be careful with what type of links we are building. With Search Engine Optimization always remember – anything organic is good! So take a look at your links and check whether they are from irrelevant websites. These websites may be owned by you or your clients, but if the subject matter is not related – don’t link them just to get a link! Recheck your anchor texts too the links going to irrelevant pages or coming from irrelevant pages can be dangerous. When quality sites link to poor quality site – it gets a little suspicious.

Well, it is a known fact that Google’s algorithm is getting smarter and we as SEO experts, need to get smarter too. Organic links are good and legitimate content strategy is good. That’s the way to rank. Well, if you get into the “bad” practices, you shall be punished by Google!

Search Engine Penalties – How Can SEO’s Identify?

If your site has seen a drop in search traffic or rankings very suddenly – which is a very scary scenario, but don’t panic too much. Analyse what went wrong. Generally, if there was a “known” issue, and Google has placed a penalty for your website ranking, you shall definitely be informed about it in Google Web Master Tools. Google does make sure that they post a notification to the website’s Web Master Tools account whenever a penalty for a known issue is applied. Well, if that’s not the case, you can check your website lost rankings due to some recent algorithm changes. It is very important as an SEO expert to keep track of the recent changes in algorithm. Check all the recent news on Google’s official blog and check trusted discussion forums for information. The worst penalty could be a de-indexation. You can easily check that with a “site:”. This is not to scare you, but to discuss the possible reason for a lowered traffic. It is important that your site complies with the Webmaster guidelines published by Google (and other search engines). Being an SEO expert you should be aware of all the recent changes and analyse your website against all the major factors that changed.

Search Quality Highlights – April

The fresh list of changes to Google’s Algorithm is out. Google has published it on their official blog. Here are a few important one’s for us Search Engine Optimization professionals to learn about. The detailed list and description can be read from Google’s blog. More diverse results to categorize paginated documents. More language-relevant navigational results. Country identification for webpages. The bug that handled anchors has been fixed in this update! Search results shall contain diverse domains in the results and not many results from the same domain. Search results shall now contain more organizations from your country. There are also some improvements to local navigational searches. Scoring of search terms are improved. Text from the beginning of your pages will be included in snippets. Also there is an improvement in the snippets generation process. Improvements for the freshness of results Better query interpretation. Improvement for news results and user interface change for breaking news. Local query predictions now improved. Improvements to triggering of public data search feature. Improvements to spell corrections. For long queries, more languages – internationally. Further improvements in safesearch for videos and images. Increase base index size by 15%.——-New index tier. Better ranking of expanded sitelinks. Less snippet duplication in expanded sitelinks. Improvement in the Keyword stuffing classifier • Improved and more authoritative results. • Better HTML5 resource caching for mobile. These are just to name a few changes to Google’s Algorithm. As said earlier, there have been 52 changes last month – April. You can check the entire list on Google’s website. Let us as Search Engine Optimization professionals be aware and make use of these changes to our benefit.

Monday 7 May 2012

Hit by Penguin or Panda – How will I know?

Search Engine Optimization has always been a world where changes are a constant occurrence. This time – Penguin’ s here. On 24th April, Google rolled out a new algorithm named penguin to eradicate spam. Let me state more clearly – this is not a new feature – web spam feature was always a part of Google’s algorithm. This was officially named Penguin and was targeted to the black hatters. Panda Update on the other hand was meant to target low quality sites. Sites that are not exactly “spam” – but are of low value addition for a user. Well, providing highest quality results for a searcher has been Google’s motto, and the Panda update was rolled out in February 2011 for exactly this purpose. Targeting low quality content – low quality of anything on a website. Well, the Penguin targets paid links, excessive keyword use (stuffing) and such kind of spamming sites. This is exactly how you can detect what you were hit by! Whether it was the penguin or the panda. You do not get a special notification or anything. Make sure all your Search Engine Optimization efforts are the known “good” methods. Do not indulge in spam activities and you shall be fine!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

How Important Is Navigation In A Web Design?

Web Design with a good navigation is the only way you can “keep” website visitors. As a rule of thumb, if a visitor cannot get to the information they were looking for within three clicks, they will drift away – to some site that gives them quick information. With website visitors, impatience is a virtue. So, as a web design professional, you need to remember that simpler the better. Your navigation should be as simple as possible and as easy to interpret as possible. Resist the temptation of creating “clever” graphics. Most visitors are searching for information on the internet, rarely entertainment. So, as a web designer if you have an urge to be overly creative – stop.

Here are the things to remember for effective navigation on your web design:

* Top menus are placed right under the header. Don’t let user guess where the main menu is!

* Right, left or bottom navigations, rare – but if you use it correctly could be ok.

* Internal Links to other pages of your website should be just one click away. And not a series of click to get there!

* In case of ecommerce websites, display shopping carts, login buttons, order buttons very prominently.

* Advertisements on your website should be away from the main matter of the page. They should never interfere with the content of your website.

* Site Maps should be clear and all links double checked!

So, to sum it up, navigation is the most important element of your web design. Pay attention to the little details and you will find that you have created a perfectly navigable and user friendly website!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Lots more Updates to Google’s Algorithm

As Google promised a monthly series of updates to it’s algorithm, here are the most recent search quality updates. We have tried to put together a post (referring to Google’s official blog). So, let’s take a look at the brand new changes and how they affect Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization greatly depends on search algorithms, hence it is important to know the changes and analyse them for our website. Here are some of the important ones:

* Autocomplete previously used to normalize math symbols. It can now include predictions for “+”, “-”, “*”, “/”, “^”, “(“, “)”, and “=”.

* Google’s Algorithm can now index punctuations and symbols too.

* Better ranking for news stories groups. Scoring is now done to determine the ordering of these groups for any given query.

* Sitelinks data refresh now happens more frequently – in terms of weeks.

* Improvements to autocomplete backends, coverage

* When you change your password, your account will now be more consistently signed out from everywhere. (Although this was practiced earlier, it is now more improved and consistent.

* Profile pages from about 200 social media sites are now more effectively indexed.

* UI refresh for News Universal

* For searchers searching for a very specific website or do not type the link correctly into google search, the algorithm has been improvised to include this.

* Panda Update is here again with improved indexing of high quality websites

* Sports score updates for live results – UEFA Champions League and KHL, Tennis,

* Image searches are now improved – even if low quality pages contain relevant images, they shall be displayed in the search results! Image predictions now included in all languages. Image size and quality is also improved in search results

* SafeSearch algorithm is fine tuned to not include adult content unless searcher is specifically looking for it.

* Images Universal Code base is improved

* Application UI on mobile has better ranking

* Video searches are improved for freshness

* Removal of undesired synonyms and results are more faithful to original query

* Better handling of queries with both navigational and local intent

* Freshness of data algo improved

* Improvements to processing for detection of site quality

* Relevency of anchor text to the given query also matters

* Google News results are now improved and finding high quality articles on Google News is now easy

* Google is working on better evaluation of similar synonyms. Synonym accuracy is also improved.

* Update to systems relying on geographic data

* Improvements to detect celebrity names

* Personalization signals now updated

* Old pages are better detected and relevant and useful ones are displayed.

* Language detection is better

* Date detection for blog and forum pages are now improved

* Site links for mobile browsers have been launched

* +1 button appears in search results for more countries and domains now

We as Search Engine Optimization experts need to be aware and analyse our websites against these changes.

Local Search Engine Optimization And Yelp

One cannot emphasize more on the importance of local citations and the impact they have on local Search Engine Optimization. Local citation websites and more importantly the reviews you get on these local sites matters a lot. Yelp is one such local review website. In today’s world, you can find places very easily over the internet – thanks to local listings, you no longer have to rely on yellow pages or a phone book.

Yelp allows users to place reviews for local services and goods and businesses. Yelp also offers local businesses a free listing on their website with a no follow link to their page. They provide an opportunity for branding and gaining visitors that you wouldn’t have otherwise got from an organic search results. This is a different visitor base to tap! Local SEO strategies work well for a locally targeted audience.

It is of utmost importance to keep your local business information updated. Well, if your information is incomplete or incorrect you stand to lose credibility and this is a huge potential loss of revenue. The other important factor is customer reviews. In other citation websites like Google places, the quantity of reviews matter. The more the number of reviews the better. In case of Yelp, positive reviews matter. A negative review can take you down!

So it is important that your local SEO strategies include consistency in information an all local websites and ensure that you work towards gaining many reviews – positive ones!

Thursday 12 April 2012

Internet Marketing and Search Retargeting

In Internet Marketing, users generally find your website be searching keywords for product or services names. Well, even if they find your site and click on it, they sometimes leave your page and go to some other site. Search re-targeting is generally used by internet marketing professionals to remarket their products to users who once visited their site by searching data. The idea is to reach out to the customers who once showed interest in your products / services but for some reason or another decided not to complete the transaction.

So, how exactly does an Internet Marketing professional re-market? Here’s how it works. Whenever a user visits your site, an anonymous cookie is placed on your website. This cookie is then recognized by your advertizing server and you can display your ads to these users again. A really great way to increase conversions.

There are two methods for search retargeting used by internet marketing professionals. One deals with users who have come to your website by means of search, and the other method deals with users who have searched for your targeted keywords.

The main benefit of this type of marketing is that the users who searched for your products or clicked on your website probably are already familiar with your brand and have already taken a first look at your products. This makes it easier for you. They are almost ready to convert. So, you can make the most out of search re-targeting.

Friday 30 March 2012

Mobile Application Development Frameworks

As the uses of mobile phone are increases, it becomes a main part of life. As we know that initially mobile was used only for text and calling but as the uses increased and technology advances, various models and features are launched in market. Now a days there are a number of smart phones and tablets available in the market by which the market of mobile web development and mobile application development is increases. Mobile development has been growing since apple introduced iPhone and Google introduced Android.

Mobile application development came much before Mobile web development. The difference between mobile application development and mobile web development is; the songs you listen in your mobile is a mobile application and the internet you accesses is mobile web development.

Mobile industry has few frameworks which are helpful for developers for mobile website development and for mobile application development.

Sencha: Sencha Touch is the best choice for mobile application development. It is the first HTML5 mobile application framework. Sencha Touch allows you to develop mobile applications which look native in iPhone and Android.

jQuery Mobile: jQuery is one of the best web framework for smartphones and tablets. It is most popular because it takes less writing and more work for web development. Generally all popular mobile device platforms are built on rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. jQuery is also very helpful for Web Development.

jQTouch: it is one of jQuery Touch plugin for mobile web development for Iphone, Ipod Touch and for other forward-thinking devices.

It is the most popular framework for building mobile web applications. DHTMLX Touch is a free open source JavaScript library for building HTML5-based mobile web apps. It allows you to create eye-catching web application for mobile and touch screen devices.

WebApp.Net: it is a powerful framework, it takes advantage of AJAX technology. It provides ready components for developing easily mobile web application.

M-Project: it is an HTML5 JavaScript framework. It is helpful for mobile application development.

All these frameworks help you to start your mobile application development and mobile web development.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Web Design Principles to Remember

An online shop is no different than a real life store. Customers at both places scan the new products, look at the first thing that attracts their attention and in case of an online business, they click on the first link that attracts their attention. So, your web design service has a lot of responsibilities. Your web design should be able to attract and keep the visitors in order for you to make some profitable business online. There are many factors that contribute towards making a good design.

Here are some of the principles you should follow to create an excellent web design:

Users are always in a hurry. They want to spot information as quickly as possible. So, don’t make them think. Place your most important information in an easily locatable location. Make the navigation as simple as it possibly could be.

When your web design includes a lot of user requirements to get a simple job done, it will definitely annoy a visitor. Of course no one asks a visitor to fill a form or register with a really long procedure to even look what your website is all about, but in general, don’t test a user’s patience.

Once on your website, your web design should be able to get the user’s attention to exactly where you want them to go! Focus user’s attention on that. You can easily tweak your web design to do so.

Clarity is the key. Make your customers see what your website has and where they can find it.

Again, simplicity in design is an essential part of an effective web design. If you complicate matters for your visitors, they will simply leave. Customers are impatient – remember?

Web design is a visual form of communication. Visual communications are the most effective form of communication.

Finally, Test and retest your designs for all popular browsers and all popular platforms. Your designs are only good if they can be displayed the way you want to on all the browsers. So, make the most out of it. Test all your designs and features etc.

On Page SEO Factors

When exactly do you start with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your website? After design? After Development? Well, the right answer is SEO runs in parallel with design and development. There are some factors that need to be tweaked right from the design and development phase of a website. This will avoid re-doing some of the code and you will save time switching tasks between the design, development and marketing teams. So, develop your website with all the design and development factors in mind.

On Page SEO refers to all the changes that need to be made on a code level to help search crawlers to read and understand what’s on your website in a language that they understand. These On page changes can be effectively made while the site is being built rather than at a later stage when you actually start marketing it. A search engine spider is looking for the HTML code on your website as soon as it lands on your web page. So, make sure your HTML code has all the correct pointers and lead the spiders to understand what your page is all about.

Whether you hire a SEO service provider or do it yourself, there are some factors in your code that you would require to tweak.

Friday 23 March 2012

The Choice: Web Development Outsourcing Or In-House?

Tough choice: web development in-house or web development outsourcing? Whether you select this one or that, it is important to know the pros and cons of both before you take a decision.

Let’s first take a look at the factors you can remember for an in-house web development team:

* When you are thinking of long term projects, in-house team is always preferred. It ensures that the team understands the business and the web development requirements and also understands the budgets.

* In house is cost effective for short term projects

* In house developers can understand the target audience better as they are more
inline with the company’s day to day activities

* Website maintenance tasks are not neglected as there is a sense of ownership.

* They do not have to juggle between clients so individual attention ensures quality work.

To be able to select a web development outsourcing agency, you need to understand what you are getting into and then take a decision. With web development outsourcing, you get some substantial benefits.

* While you decide in favour of web development outsourcing, understand that the cost involved is less only for short term projects.

* The agency can bring diverse ideas as they work on a day to day basis with a diverse types of client websites.

* An external agency will always give you a competitive edge.

* Specialized attention can be given to your particular project.

Well, the choice is entirely yours. There are two major factors to look at. Your budget for web development outsourcing, or your length of project. When it is a budget constraint, you can look at outsourcing, as you avoid recurring costs in developing a website. When you are looking at maintenance tasks and regular daily tasks, it is good to have an in house web development team to get things fixed quickly. Although maintaining an in house team will be an addition to the recurring costs per year and you also have to think long term. With an in house team of developers, however, you will have the advantage of the team members knowing everything about your business and what works and what does not. There will be little assistance you would require to provide and little training. With the agency, you will have the advantage of getting specialized services, diverse knowledge and a team with an exposure to a diverse types of business working.

Another approach could be – a combined effort from in house and outsourced team. You can get the website development done from a web development outsourcing agency, and then have an in house team to do the regular updates and maintenance tasks. So, either approach has it’s pros and cons. You need to base your decision on the cost savings, or budget expenditure, or the length of the project or whether the requirements are for a short period of time or a long term assignment. This will help you get your work done more efficiently, timely and in a cost effective manner!

Google + And SEO

Google + exists and there is no denying that Google places a lot of importance on it’s social network activity for search rankings. SEO for these pages has now become imperative. Getting your Google + pages SEO’ed is now a good idea. Whether you find it interesting or not, whether you find that your Facebook profile rocks and all your contacts are there, Google + is not going anywhere, and nor is the fact that it is being fiercely promoted by Google. The sole intention of creating a social network was to improve the search results and not play “rival” to Facebook or any other social network.

Here are some SEO tips for your Google + pages

* For starters, content needs to be fresh.

* Profiles don’t matter as much as pages.

* Getting +1’s is good.

* Comments and shares are ok but not better than +1’s

* Reach and followers go get an advantage

* Include your search term in the Introduction, Employment and Education and Places

* Use your keywords in at least two of the above fields.

So, Google + is a good place to update your business data and add to your SEO efforts.

Recipe For SEO Success

Getting straight to the point – Google isn’t out to get you! So stop chasing the algorithm. Every time there is a change, there is no need to tweak your website. Instead of concentrating on tricks and tips, learn the fundamentals. Direct all your SEO efforts in making your website perfect in terms of user experience and usability. Get rid of all the unnecessary parts of your website that provide little or no value addition for your customers or visitors.

Learn the basics right. Get your site structure and development code perfect. Fix all the URLs and ensure that there are no broken links. There must be absolutely no spelling and grammar mistakes in content. Well, recheck all your links incoming and outgoing. Ensure that there are no spammy one’s there. Channelize your SEO efforts using social media. An astute SEO implementer will never get into black hat SEO Service. Will never buy links, content or avail any services that sound too good to be true. Well, create a site that cannot be denied a ranking – and you will never have to spend valuable time on looking for tricks and work arounds! There is no recipe for SEO. It should be integrated in your website proactively. Not reactively – i.e. after Google (or any search engine) announces changes!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Google Places And Local Search Ranking Factors

For those whose target market is local, can restrict their SEO efforts to a more localized effort. This will drive targeted traffic to the website and your business will profit by increased number of conversions. Google Places and Local Search ranking factors refer to the signals that are considered while displaying results for organic local search queries. There are certain really strong indicators, while some misconceptions around these. Here, let us take a look at local search ranking factors that influence search results.

Does Guest Blogging Help SEO?

You maintain a fantastic blog for your website. It has many readers too! Well, here’s another excellent idea to build your brand and popularize it. Guest blogging – right it is an excellent way to get great content around and get great links back! Well, one would wonder – if I have this great content; why would i place it on some other blog? It’s how you look at it. Provide people a good read, and they will surely check out who the author is. And want to read more that comes from you. It’s good for all your SEO efforts too!

Google Can Now Recognize A Website With Over Optimization

Can there be something like over optimization in Search Engine Optimization
? While trying to optimize your website for search engines, can there be some point after which you need to stop and decide whether this is considered as “spam” activity by Google or not? Well, yes there are some activities that are considered as spam and there are certain guidelines that Google provides. This is to directly filter out the junk from the worthy. Who deserve a rank and who are relevant to a search query shall get a position on the top search results.

Friday 16 March 2012

SEO Service Provider Working Guidelines

Finding a reliable SEO Service Provider is a task in itself. After all you are placing all your business’s information and future in their hands. So, while outsourcing SEO, remember a few things that you must include in a work agreement. If it is someone you know, or have worked with before, all’s well. Not really you still require a formal work agreement. So, here are a few things to include in a work agreement. Although this is not a legal advice, you would require to consult a legal advisor for the same. These are just pointers to what can be included.

Social Media Marketing

All of us have a Facebook and Twitter account. We all know that the whole world is there! With every one over the world spending considerable time on Social Media, it has become the most apt platform for businesses to spread the word and gain popularity.

Social Media Marketing uses the potential of these social sites to give businesses increased visibility and popularity over the internet. Here are some of the tips which every business, small or large should have a Social Media Marketing strategy.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Content Ideas for SEO

Content is one way by which you can market your website. A content writer’s worst nightmare – running out of content ideas! Well, there are limitless ideas you can use for developing content for successfully implementing SEO. Readers are constantly looking for new information and information that is presented in style is one method that will never fail. Here are some of the content ideas that will take your SEO efforts to the heights of success and your website to the limelight.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Website Usability is Important for SEO

Whether you are a web designer, a web developer or a SEO expert, the ultimate aim of your website is usability for the end user! That’s right – a website is only useful if end users can easily navigate and understand it’s purpose and flow.

Website Usability is Important for SEO

Increasing Credibility With Social Media Marketing

In today’s world of junk mails, spam and lots of “trick” websites, it is very difficult to trust any website. Well, establishing credibility has become a herculean task! Not as much, with social media marketing, the world has come closer.

Increasing Credibility With Social Media Marketing

Saturday 10 March 2012

Search Engine Optimization, Link Building And Articles

Search Engine Optimization’s main focus is search engine ranking. One of the major factors to achieve this is Link building. When Google sees that your website has quality links, automatically your website becomes eligible for a higher rank. And for link building one of the best methods is Article submissions! Search engine optimization is truly a task of an expert yet patient professional. Well, if your internet marketing strategy consists of building links with Article submissions, here are a few things to remember.

Google Webmaster Tools Now Has User Administration Too!

Google Webmaster Tools is one of the free web services provided by Google. Google Webmaster Tools allow you to check page indexing or status by which you can optimize site visibility.

Google Webmaster Tools

40 New Changes to the Google Algorithm!

Another series of changes to Google Algorithm. As announced on Google’s blog. Let us take a close look at the changes and implement them in our SEO efforts...

SEO News

The Title Tag and SEO

If you are a new website (or old) on the internet, it’s important to introduce yourself. And the Title Tag is the best way to achieve this. So, what exactly is a Title Tag? It is one place where you can describe your web page. So, it is important that this title tag serves three basic purposes. It should describe the page for users, it should describe the page to the search engines and all this in the limited space that it offers.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Has SEO Service changed over the years?

How long has SEO been around? Quite some time now, since 1995 some or the other form of search engine optimization was around. So, has SEO changed? Is it still the same? Well, to get straight to the point, SEO has changed. Reason being – search engines have evolved over time and the ability to determine the most appropriate search result has become more accurate. SEO service has also changed since.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

17 New Algorithmic Changes From Google

As Google had promised two months ago, to publish changes to its algorithm on a monthly basis, Google has published the latest set of changes to the Google algorithm. Here are the details taken straight from the Google’s blog:

Changes to the freshness algorithm to return the freshest and the most relevant results.

Autocomplete is now faster.

Spelling corrections in Autocomplete.

Improved accuracy in spelling correction in search results. Eg. Someone searching for weird and you spell it as wierd, Google will show you results for the correct spelling, (weird) – of course they’ll let you know.

Better results with correct spellings for rare queries.

Timely results for recurring events.

Panda Update for high quality sites – yes 3.2 is released.

Auto detecting the language of the original query and displaying more accurate results

Saudi Arabia users can now use an English Interface!

Image search now has better scrolling with the new changes in the Google algorithm.

Image search on the whole is improved – says Google

Related searched at the bottom of the screen are now made more relevant and useful.

News results are more timely and improved by the new changes in the Google algorithm.

Google Instant can now automatically turn itself off if the speed of the computer is slow. (this was possible only with a slow internet connection previously).

So, lot many changes from Google in the Google Algorithm for providing users with quality search results. Let us as SEO experts make ourselves aware of these and use them in our SEO efforts.
You create an ad that is persuasive, attention grabbing and most importantly compelling, but it is no good if it leaves the customer wondering “what next?” Your ad should be such that it leads the customer to exactly where you want them to click. This is where your call to action steps in. Create a powerful call to action, which your customers can easily locate, click and land on your landing page!

Yes, it’s true – success of your ad campaign depends on the effectiveness of your call to action button. Great – now that we have established the importance of an effective call to action, let us also take a look at a few tips to create a call to action:

Maintain clarity in the design

Placement of the call to action button is important. Place it such that visitors can easily locate it.

Lots of scrolling to locate a call to action is a bad idea.

Persuasive, attractive and attention grabbing design will surely help

Maintain just one call to action, or customer will get confused. Do not give choices and options.

Give clear instructions. “Request Quote”, “Call Now” etc.

Friday 20 January 2012

Protest Against SOPA And PIPA Intensifies.

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was recently announced to stop copyright infringement over the internet. The Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) also includes prevention of theft of intellectual property.
Protest Against SOPA And PIPA Intensifies

Googlebot Mobile Is Here, 4 Tips To Optimize Your Mobile Site

We all are aware that Google’s crawler is called as Googlebot. This Googlebot is responsible for bringing back information from the world wide web, and submitting it to Google. Google’s algorithm then indexes and ranks the web pages brought back by the crawler. In recent years, mobile devices have become smarter and the recent rise in the smartphone and tablet use gave rise to the need of designing websites specially to suit their specifications.

What To Include In A Web Design?

We all agree that web design is the first interaction that you will have with your customers – or prospective customers – visitors to be very specific. So, it’s time to make first impressions very very impressive.

Google Introduces “Search Plus Your World”

Google had announced a few months back that the searches would be made more secure, meaning users signed in users would be able to search without Google sending referrer data about what was being searched. This was in the best interests of users. Here’s Google announcing a new feature for search results on these lines. Google search results get more personal with the new “Search Plus Your World”.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Social Media in 2012

Social Media has been a huge hype in the recent years. In 2012, what different would it be? Marketers will need it more and more for sure. Looking back at the past few years, we have seen Facebook grow and today it has more than 800 million users monthly.

More Info:

Monday 9 January 2012

Content Is King – Market It Well

Content is king – that has been repeated time and again by all advisors of online marketing. Well, it’s true. But if not accompanied by adequate online marketing, it’s of very little value.

More Info:

Google Chrome Gets Penalized

With an aim of promoting Chrome, Google had hired two top agencies. However, the promotion campaign used violated it’s own quality guidelines. Paid blogger were asked to post “reviews” for the web browser.

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30 New Google’s Algorithm Changes

After the ripples that Panda and Caffeine created, Google decided to post the changes to the algorithm on a monthly basis, beginning November.

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Thursday 5 January 2012

Elite InfoWorld Publications On Ezine Articles

Elite InfoWorld has published over 30 articles on the prestigious Ezine Articles Website. Chirag Vyas, our Marketing Manager with over 6 years of experience in Internet Marketing has shared many tips tricks and techniques in Search Engine Optimization, Internet Marketing, web design and is a Basic PLUS Level Expert Author.

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