Monday 9 July 2018

Where is Google Headed in 2018?

Machine learning has been on the horizon for a couple of years, but 2017 has seen actual successful implementations of this technology. Big data is the key to massive advances in the machine learning. Google has always been at the forefront of innovation and has been investing billions in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It is indisputable that the SEO landscape will evolve within the next few years and 2018 will see a lot of new trends emerging.
In 2018, (just as in the past), content will become the driving force for search engine optimization. SEO professionals will become more concerned about the user’s content experience than other SEO factors.
On page optimization
Traditional on page optimization methods will diminish in importance. Title tags, meta descriptions, URLs and ALT texts will have a role in SEO, bit will no longer be the factors that make or break SEO.
Technical SEO
Technical knowledge and expertise with regards to sitemaps, robots.txt files and scripts will become less relevant. Errors will be identified and fixed automatically.
User Experience
User experience factors will continue to increase in importance. Google will use this factor to rank websites in search engine results.
Search engines are definitely becoming smarter and more equipped to learn if any particular website is satisfying a user’s intent or not. Every business should hence build and optimize their websites keeping all this in mind and then prepare their strategies for 2018.
Connect with us to build and design your website to digitally bring you ahead of the competition!

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