Monday 2 July 2018

Build your Own Taxi Booking Mobile Application

A tap and a swipe – your ride instantly arrives at your doorstep for a pickup. Who does not wish for such a service? Uber has successfully proved that this kind of app is not only convenient for the customer but also profitable for the owner. Technology enables you to get “at-your-door-step” services via innovative apps.

Taxi mobile application helps customers instantly book a ride – within a few taps and swipes on their mobile phones.

If you are looking for a taxi mobile app, here’s how you can build your own app:

To begin with, you will need to consider features from a passenger point of view and from a driver’s point of view.

Start with these features:

  • User registration
  • User registration
  • Payments
  • Push notifications
  • Ride history
  • Interactive Map and Taxi Tracking
  • Navigation
The average development time for building a taxi app:

The time to develop an app also depends on a number of factors. It depends on whether you are developing from scratch or from a ready template. It also depends on the features and the scope of work that has been decided. 

Even before you begin development, you need to decide upon the business model and the platforms that you would support for this app. All of these are enough inputs to get an estimate of the time to develop the apps.

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