Saturday 24 March 2012

Web Design Principles to Remember

An online shop is no different than a real life store. Customers at both places scan the new products, look at the first thing that attracts their attention and in case of an online business, they click on the first link that attracts their attention. So, your web design service has a lot of responsibilities. Your web design should be able to attract and keep the visitors in order for you to make some profitable business online. There are many factors that contribute towards making a good design.

Here are some of the principles you should follow to create an excellent web design:

Users are always in a hurry. They want to spot information as quickly as possible. So, don’t make them think. Place your most important information in an easily locatable location. Make the navigation as simple as it possibly could be.

When your web design includes a lot of user requirements to get a simple job done, it will definitely annoy a visitor. Of course no one asks a visitor to fill a form or register with a really long procedure to even look what your website is all about, but in general, don’t test a user’s patience.

Once on your website, your web design should be able to get the user’s attention to exactly where you want them to go! Focus user’s attention on that. You can easily tweak your web design to do so.

Clarity is the key. Make your customers see what your website has and where they can find it.

Again, simplicity in design is an essential part of an effective web design. If you complicate matters for your visitors, they will simply leave. Customers are impatient – remember?

Web design is a visual form of communication. Visual communications are the most effective form of communication.

Finally, Test and retest your designs for all popular browsers and all popular platforms. Your designs are only good if they can be displayed the way you want to on all the browsers. So, make the most out of it. Test all your designs and features etc.

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