Friday 23 March 2012

Recipe For SEO Success

Getting straight to the point – Google isn’t out to get you! So stop chasing the algorithm. Every time there is a change, there is no need to tweak your website. Instead of concentrating on tricks and tips, learn the fundamentals. Direct all your SEO efforts in making your website perfect in terms of user experience and usability. Get rid of all the unnecessary parts of your website that provide little or no value addition for your customers or visitors.

Learn the basics right. Get your site structure and development code perfect. Fix all the URLs and ensure that there are no broken links. There must be absolutely no spelling and grammar mistakes in content. Well, recheck all your links incoming and outgoing. Ensure that there are no spammy one’s there. Channelize your SEO efforts using social media. An astute SEO implementer will never get into black hat SEO Service. Will never buy links, content or avail any services that sound too good to be true. Well, create a site that cannot be denied a ranking – and you will never have to spend valuable time on looking for tricks and work arounds! There is no recipe for SEO. It should be integrated in your website proactively. Not reactively – i.e. after Google (or any search engine) announces changes!

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