Sunday 15 April 2012

Lots more Updates to Google’s Algorithm

As Google promised a monthly series of updates to it’s algorithm, here are the most recent search quality updates. We have tried to put together a post (referring to Google’s official blog). So, let’s take a look at the brand new changes and how they affect Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization greatly depends on search algorithms, hence it is important to know the changes and analyse them for our website. Here are some of the important ones:

* Autocomplete previously used to normalize math symbols. It can now include predictions for “+”, “-”, “*”, “/”, “^”, “(“, “)”, and “=”.

* Google’s Algorithm can now index punctuations and symbols too.

* Better ranking for news stories groups. Scoring is now done to determine the ordering of these groups for any given query.

* Sitelinks data refresh now happens more frequently – in terms of weeks.

* Improvements to autocomplete backends, coverage

* When you change your password, your account will now be more consistently signed out from everywhere. (Although this was practiced earlier, it is now more improved and consistent.

* Profile pages from about 200 social media sites are now more effectively indexed.

* UI refresh for News Universal

* For searchers searching for a very specific website or do not type the link correctly into google search, the algorithm has been improvised to include this.

* Panda Update is here again with improved indexing of high quality websites

* Sports score updates for live results – UEFA Champions League and KHL, Tennis,

* Image searches are now improved – even if low quality pages contain relevant images, they shall be displayed in the search results! Image predictions now included in all languages. Image size and quality is also improved in search results

* SafeSearch algorithm is fine tuned to not include adult content unless searcher is specifically looking for it.

* Images Universal Code base is improved

* Application UI on mobile has better ranking

* Video searches are improved for freshness

* Removal of undesired synonyms and results are more faithful to original query

* Better handling of queries with both navigational and local intent

* Freshness of data algo improved

* Improvements to processing for detection of site quality

* Relevency of anchor text to the given query also matters

* Google News results are now improved and finding high quality articles on Google News is now easy

* Google is working on better evaluation of similar synonyms. Synonym accuracy is also improved.

* Update to systems relying on geographic data

* Improvements to detect celebrity names

* Personalization signals now updated

* Old pages are better detected and relevant and useful ones are displayed.

* Language detection is better

* Date detection for blog and forum pages are now improved

* Site links for mobile browsers have been launched

* +1 button appears in search results for more countries and domains now

We as Search Engine Optimization experts need to be aware and analyse our websites against these changes.

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