Tuesday 7 February 2012

17 New Algorithmic Changes From Google

As Google had promised two months ago, to publish changes to its algorithm on a monthly basis, Google has published the latest set of changes to the Google algorithm. Here are the details taken straight from the Google’s blog:

Changes to the freshness algorithm to return the freshest and the most relevant results.

Autocomplete is now faster.

Spelling corrections in Autocomplete.

Improved accuracy in spelling correction in search results. Eg. Someone searching for weird and you spell it as wierd, Google will show you results for the correct spelling, (weird) – of course they’ll let you know.

Better results with correct spellings for rare queries.

Timely results for recurring events.

Panda Update for high quality sites – yes 3.2 is released.

Auto detecting the language of the original query and displaying more accurate results

Saudi Arabia users can now use an English Interface!

Image search now has better scrolling with the new changes in the Google algorithm.

Image search on the whole is improved – says Google

Related searched at the bottom of the screen are now made more relevant and useful.

News results are more timely and improved by the new changes in the Google algorithm.

Google Instant can now automatically turn itself off if the speed of the computer is slow. (this was possible only with a slow internet connection previously).

So, lot many changes from Google in the Google Algorithm for providing users with quality search results. Let us as SEO experts make ourselves aware of these and use them in our SEO efforts.

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